2. Unplug Appliances When Not in Use

Even when appliances are turned off, they are still using small bits of energy if they are plugged into the wall. These small amounts of energy can add up over the long run. Get into the habit of unplugging any appliances you are not using at the moment. This includes toasters, coffee makers, kettles, and any other appliance you may have.
3. Don’t Raid the Refrigerator Often

Although you have likely heard someone say, “Don’t stand there with the fridge door open” at some point in your life, you may not realize the reality behind why they used this statement. Leaving the fridge door open is a surprising energy waster. Get what you need and close it up again. Skip the moments where you are just lounging in with the fridge door open, hoping something exciting and tasty will pop into your vision and grab your attention.


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